I got Skype now so if you need to call me its "r3vjuew" i may make this our main communication for group meetings, then we could use this to handle our paperwork our leveling and such without taking away from game time...its free and hardly no space is needed to use it today!

People places and things of sentairyia

The Sentairyia calnder

"Time Line of- EnglowBen"

Luck notes and stat breakdown

Zero level class and kit information

weapon proficientice in Sentairyia

World At a glance

Journal of Woldar the advisor of danenashia
"A Thief's Trouble"...
"A New begging of light"
"A begging of light"
"endless knight"
"the high level campaign"
"circle of power"
"heart and ring"

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Time line of EnglowBen "1st draft"

This is a time line of EnglowBen, a content located in the world of sentaryia. the following is a pregression of the years that have passed in one of the main contentnets of game play in my campains. this area was 1st mapped out and setteled by the Halafax family. out of game this started about 1993, when i need some back story for a pc i played with a guy i worked with, Josph Ludwig.
he was a great dm, his twin brother and him help me work out the details on the city of Halafax
and this is where it started, i had played "mallory" for a years and one day the dm asked about back story and the rest is history so they say!

001: The world was young, and the elves and dwarfs were the masters of this time, this time is called the "prehistory" The god Alexzander had made humes in his image, bored with demihumes and ready to prform his greatest creation what would be called humes.... this is when thw dwarfs and elevs turned there backs to alexzander, fore he loved the evil humes more than them...... it was said that he breathed life in to the world and 7 days all was borne,
the only ture records of these times is the tracks of epsilon volume 1, 2, 3. there are other records of these times but they are old and not in hume writings or oral traditions.

009: In this year was the 1st true recodinds of humes in there new world of EnglowBen. during this time anmail like humes fight for there place amoung the beasts of englow ben, during these years wars with annmails and beasts ragged, humes banded in small tribes and had little structer
010:This was recored in the old testment of alexzander as the 1st meeting of man and elves. This was the 1st diplomatic meetings and one could only asume that the elves help with the taming of these man anmails

100: by this time man had spread to the 4 conners of englowben and some even farther, the elves then dwarfs had help man become more civillized, by now small villages and groups of man had gatherd to establish the 1st citys, the trade and barter system was in afect.

150: the pouplation of humes has tripled, and sects of Alexzander sprang up in many forms, the elves had there had in the devolpment of there civial sturture and religous devolpment. many flase, unture and lesser gods had emerged from prehistory, and old gods had returned to the demihumes, such as dem-dar, krom, etc etc.

200: the humes were reason for many drastic changes , acording to the old testment of kiflom, alezander flesh dies, he hold a motorl body no more. he essence is split in to 12 deties, this is a much debated theroy and is resopsible for many wars and tyranny.
215: this is a time what was a true turing in the history of the humes, many new churches were built and consactrated to alexzander and his new tesaments that had slowy began become the majoraty, during this time many prohits came to be and the early church begaint to mint coins for the 1st time. this era is to be know as the religious reasance.

300: major war rages all across englowben, this is partly due to the speration of the church and the establishmet of "baredimm" the new holy capital city of englow ben, wich combined all the pervious teastments and tracks to form what would be called the complete voulumes of the alexzander. the old temples to lesser god were driven under ground. wich created a power vacum that fueled the war intensly, many diplomatic realtion were lost when the demi-humes decarled they would remain nutreal on the war of matters of men. by now most demi humes had fully left the faith of alexzander.

350: the population of humes has more than tripled, allthough war and conflict have claimed many of war aged men. by now the holy war was demmed a crusade to remove all unholy gods and fight for control of the lands and people that inhabit them. with alezander split in to 12 deties many old temples refused to admit to the whole only chosing to see the sripture they wanted. this was the main reason baredimm greww to unify the churches and temples.
38o: Adwin halafax was sir named the head father of baredimm, he was a long standing high priest of baredim, this would be the 1st papel father of the church. this is the 1st step towards a all power church head. he had his 1st child "edward hallafax I"
384: adwin halafax head of baredimm, had personal visted all 12 churches and begain the long process of ending the war, he single handly brought all the dieties of alexzander new tesatment to gather under the seal of the newly appointed church heads. for the 1st time since humes the worship of Alexzander was brought to gather.

404 edward adwin hallafax became the lead general of baredimm, (at the age of 24) this became a major event, the churches had learned to become one, but the whole of englowben was in ruins, many fraction and territores were devided among the land.

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