I got Skype now so if you need to call me its "r3vjuew" i may make this our main communication for group meetings, then we could use this to handle our paperwork our leveling and such without taking away from game time...its free and hardly no space is needed to use it today!

People places and things of sentairyia

The Sentairyia calnder

"Time Line of- EnglowBen"

Luck notes and stat breakdown

Zero level class and kit information

weapon proficientice in Sentairyia

World At a glance

Journal of Woldar the advisor of danenashia
"A Thief's Trouble"...
"A New begging of light"
"A begging of light"
"endless knight"
"the high level campaign"
"circle of power"
"heart and ring"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"A thiefs trouble" Campain- NewMarr Sentariya

This is our current story.... In a land of many, here are only but a few

Lockheart village is a small hume community nestled in the southern ranges of NewMar. This is the story of a group banned by the need to survive.
The seemingly barren, jagged faces of the southern ranges spire to endless hight. Lockheart has held to its ways for many years, even before Halafax was settled. here in the year ??? is were this story takes place.

In the dryest and coldest months our party endures the daily task's of living... Living very much like there fathers, fathers, fathers. The Temple is the most important function of this village. all basic needs are settled threw the orders of the temple and its people as a whole. Few travelers ever come to these parts, worse yet no one that left every returned.
The southern passage has fell to BlackWater, being mostly impassable at best. TemplePass has no be in use since the days of lockheart first Temple long in ruins... and all others led to the mountains and hunting grounds. most of these areas are not easily passed.

A slow year has come to pass, as of the late a strange weather pattern has loomed overhead. the bleakest of grays and earth tones give way to purest of whites. You are the poorest son's and daughter's of the village and the youngest in your households. Your elders commanded you to meet a secret meeting in the Temple, you have been there many times for trade and worship so you know the way. You are to meet Father ABADOAX and his understudies know as ordained brothers.
At midnight you have meet with others, young friends of yours... all to gather you stand in a dimmed cold temple basement waiting for uncertain news. candles dance across stone faces and great tapestries tell tells of the olden days gone by. Gardune the blacksmith stands among ministers and father Abadoax.

what happens next I dare not commit to ink and scroll, In the end these children of youth were contracted on a fool's task


Our party is now contracted in secret to trek underground to the old temple to seek out answers to unspeakable theories. backed fully by the temple elders the set forth headed right threw the crypts and burial chambers, to the old temple. The underground passage provided two things, to conceal them and easier travel than climbing across the jagged widow makers.
They left that vary night without a moment notice. armed and supply they were lend down a Sharp twisting stairwell till the bellows of the dead could be herd moan softly in the great distance.

as the great old wooden door was pryed from its sleeping slumber, the party could not be prepared for what would become of them. the entry the underdark and the wear sealed in, entombed in the dust of the long dead. left to seek out what could not be true.

Under the fouled earth our party was led and locked to find for their own eye's. After travel down a ancient set of steps heading to lower basement levels of the temple of Lockheart village. "Now your all alone and things seem all to real"

after they found what goods they could muster and scraps banded as Armourment from what they could not believe to be true... but they prepared all the same. each a child, and a paupers debt but now they serve under they law of the temple.
it was in the rages did they find a raving mad ordained brother who had seen better days. he was not in hume spirits and mumbled many acts i could not described in a letter, for Alexander may strike me if i even repeat what was told to me. they showed him mercy instead of ending his ranting of unholy... this is a reason only the father shall know
Their leader thought he would be of use...if what he was told was true, they would need a priest fouled or not

The ageing stairs crumble and waste from time. Leaving a gap unpassable, here is where they had to work as friends for the 1st time, and our young lady thief Tiffany had a close call with something foul and named in the shadows of the cave in. her own live be saved by a caster... yes that's right they had they power to call upon elemental magiks... threw they guise of a song. he was what some in the days would call a bard. so maybe they shall live yet

here is her own words stolen form her journal
To my knees at the edge of this gap in the stairs to far for a single jump. Holding the torch beside me to cast it's light bellow seeking a better way than across... The flame only allowed a small corner of crates to be seen... slightly shifting the torch I was shocked with terror and an overwhelming curiosity... A shadow of someone or something was moving... Quickly wanting to know what I had seen, reached into my leather belt pouch for a spool of thread. Tied the thread around each end of the torch, then together in the center, making sure not to get it to close to the flame. I lowered the the torch around ten feet as far as I could tell, thats when I seen it... The most horrid sight my ditch digger eyes have ever seen...
As the torch swung to and frow I received a well lit view of the room bellow these stairs... There where crates and barrels in various places, But what trapped me into a terrified stare was the number of what looked like walking dead... Men that have been laid to rest far before my life started, where now walking together in one direction. They appeared to be leaving in the direction we came in, only on a lower level... I couldn't move, not even to pull up the torch and hope the hadn't noticed my presence. My body was froze but my mind raced faster than I could keep up. Memories flashed mixed in with thoughts of what this means for Lokheart, for myself, and for my youngest sibling... Her young life has yet to begun and she has no idea what could be outside their home on the farm...
Not knowing how long I pondered the thoughts and sights that came from under those stairs.. The only thing I recall happening around me to was this song... I heard a song and it brought me back to myself, I guess you could say... It was a beautiful song, It calmed me down at least enough to gather my self and cut the thread to send the torch crashing to kin-lin on the floor below... Tarn pulled me back enough so I didn't fall where I could end.... I guess I owe him....

At the bottom of those long dead stairs something was different in there hearts and minds they had strange wonders of would would be. after the iron gate fell to the crafts of thief's the were to behold a wonderful aged function in the looming darkness of this cave like tunnel. long ago this was a source of holy waters and now is long defiled..
Traveling on in the black earth of the bowels of this old temple they were held by a large war gate rotted with time and scale. be hind this gate was un holy but no were to be seen. all was seemingly to quite....

our party enter the rusted gate threw impervised methods and bruiting fennecse and it was then did truth show it was the bane of all evil and what they "believed to be walking dead or it could be?"

using the priest as a unholy shield they wadded there way to glowing light from a miners chapel.. fear and shear disbelief is they only way they mad the dash threw whatever it was that rattled there souls to the core... they hide in chapel only hours into there mission, they need time to heal there minds just the small encounter was at best scatted meriores

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